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Arduino UNO + L6234 driver

Drotek’s L6234 breakout board is a very minimalistic 3-phase BLDC motor driver and is very suitable for jump-starting your FOC experience. Here we show two example connections using this board and Arduino UNO:

Encoder example


  • Encoder channels A and B are connected to the Arduino’s external interrupt pins 2 and 3.
  • Optionally if your encoder has index signal you can connect it to any available pin, figure shows pin 4.
    • For Arduino UNO and similar broads which don’t have 3 hardware interrupts, if you can choose, preferably connect index pin to pins A0-A5 due to the interrupt routine, it will have better performance (but any other pin will work as well).
    • Otherwise if you are using different board and have 3 hardware interrupt pins connect the index pin to one of them.

L6234 breakout board

  • Connected to the arduino pins 9,10 and 11 (you can use also pins 5 and 6).
  • Additionally you can connect the enable pin to the any digital pin of the arduino the picture shows pin 8 but this is optional. You can connect the driver enable directly to 5v.
  • Make sure you connect the common ground of the power supply and your Arduino


  • Motor phases a, b and c are connected directly to the driver outputs

Example connection

Magnetic sensor AS5048 example

Magnetic sensor

  • Magnetic sensor’s (AS5048) SPI interface signals SCK, MISO and MOSI are connected to the Arduino’s SPI pins (Arduino UNO 13,12 and 11).
    • If the application requires more than one sensor all of them are connected to the same pins of the Arduino.
  • The chip select pin is connected to the desired pin. Each sensor connected to the same Arduino has to have unique chip select pin.

L6234 breakout board

  • Connected to the arduino pins 3,5 and 6 (you can use also pin 9 and 10, but pin 11 is taken by the SPI interface).
  • Additionally you can connect the enable pin to the any digital pin of the arduino the picture shows pin 2 but this is optional. You can connect the driver enable directly to 5v.
  • Make sure you connect the common ground of the power supply and your Arduino


  • Motor phases a, b and c are connected directly to the driver outputs


Motor phases a,b,c and encoder channels A and B and the magnetic sensor counting direction have to be oriented right for the algorithm to work. But don't worry about it too much. Connect it initially as you wish and then if the motor locks in place inverse a and b of the motor, that should be enough.