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SimpleFOClibrary has many options, and the following tables summarize the important ones, collected in one convenient place for your immediate reference.

Driver Options

Driver options are set before calling driver.init(), and normally never changed after intialization.

Option Default value Supported on Description
driver.pwm_frequency depends on MCU BLDC, Stepper PWM frequency, in Hz
driver.voltage_power_supply 12V BLDC, Stepper Power supply voltage in volts
driver.voltage_limit NOT SET BLDC, Stepper Hard limit on output voltage, in volts. Effectively limits PWM duty cycle proportionally to power supply voltage.
driver.intialized   BLDC, Stepper Read-only. true if initialized successfully, false otherwise
driver.enable_active_high true BLDC If true, driver is enabled by writing ‘1’ to enable pin. If false, driver is enabled by writing ‘0’ to enable pin.
driver.dead_zone 0.02 BLDCDriver6PWM Amount of dead-time for each pwm cycle, as a proportion of 100% duty cycle. A float in the range [0,1]. Values under 10% make sense.

Motor Options

Option Default value Description
motor.controller MotionControlType::torque Motion control mode
motor.torque_controller TorqueControlType::voltage Torque control mode
motor.motion_downsample 0 Set to values > 1 to reduce how often move() is executed compared to loopFOC(). On fast MCUs it makes sense to reduce how often move() gets called.
motor.phase_resistance NOT SET Motor phase resistance. If set, used to calculate current limits based on voltage limits. Value in Ohms.
motor.KV_rating NOT SET motor KV rating, RMS value. Can also be set via motor constructor, where you can specify KV in RPM/V.
motor.phase_inductance NOT SET motor inductance, in H. Units Henry. Can also be set via motor constructor.
motor.voltage_limit 12V Global voltage limit. Limits Q-axis voltage.
motor.current_limit 2A Global current limit. Limits Q-axis current.
motor.velocity_limit 20rad/s Global velocity limit. Value in rad/s.
motor.foc_modulation FOCModulationType::SinePWM FOC modulation mode.
motor.modulation_centered 1 (true) 1/True: centered modulation around driver.voltage_limit÷2 or 0/False: pulled to 0
motor.sensor_offset 0 Offset of motor zero to sensor zero. Can be used to make position 0 take on a specific motor orientation. For user convenience. Value in rad.
motor.voltage_sensor_align motor.voltage_limit Limits voltage (and therefore current) during motor alignment. Value in Volts.
motor.velocity_index_search NOT SET Limits motor velocity during motor initialization. Give value in rad/s.
motor.zero_electric_angle NOT SET Needed for FOC control. Normally set during motor FOC initialization. If set before motor.initFOC(), measurement of zero electric angle is skipped during alignment.
motor.sensor_direction NOT SET Normally set during motor FOC initialization. Determines sensor direction vs positive motor direction (can be opposite, depending how you connect your motor cables). If set before motor.initFOC(), measurement of sensor’s natural direction is skipped during alignment.
motor.motor_status FOCMotorStatus::motor_uninitialized Read-only. Tracks the motor initialization status. You can check it to see if initialization succeeded, calibration is complete, etc.

PID Tuning Options

Option Modes used Description
motor.PID_velocity.P All closed loop modes Velocity PID controller P value. Varies by situation. Typical values are 0.2 to 0.6, but could be quite different.
motor.PID_velocity.I All closed loop modes Velocity PID controller I value. Varies by situation. Typical values are 2.0 to 20.0, but could be quite different.
motor.PID_velocity.D All closed loop modes Velocity PID controller D value. Normally set to 0. Typical values are 0, or a very low value like 0.001.
motor.PID_velocity.ramp All closed loop modes Velocity PID controller maximum change. Typical value 1000.0, set lower to limit accelleration.
motor.PID_velocity.limit All closed loop modes Velocity PID controller output limit. Set to limit velocity to this maximum.
motor.P_angle.P Closed loop position control Angle P controller P value. Varies by situation. Typical values are 10.0 to 20.0, but could be quite different.
motor.LPF_velocity.Tf All closed loop modes Velocity low pass filter time constant. Values larger than 0, max 1.0. The lower the value, the slower the effect of velocity changes from the sensor.
motor.LPF_angle.Tf All closed loop modes Angle low pass filter time constant. Values larger than 0, max 1.0. The lower the value, the slower the effect of angle changes from the sensor.
motor.PID_current_q.P Torque current control Q-Axis current controller P value.
motor.PID_current_q.I Torque current control Q-Axis current controller I value.
motor.PID_current_q.D Torque current control Q-Axis current controller D value.
motor.PID_current_q.ramp Torque current control Q-Axis current controller maximum change.
motor.PID_current_q.limit Torque current control Q-Axis current controller output limit.
motor.PID_current_d.P Torque current control D-Axis current controller P value.
motor.PID_current_d.I Torque current control D-Axis current controller I value.
motor.PID_current_d.D Torque current control D-Axis current controller D value.
motor.PID_current_d.ramp Torque current control D-Axis current controller maximum change.
motor.PID_current_d.limit Torque current control D-Axis current controller output limit.
motor.LPF_current_q.Tf Torque current control Q-Axis current low pass filter time constant.
motor.LPF_current_d.Tf Torque current control D-Axis current low pass filter time constant.