
Practical guides

This is the section intended for the practical guides and explanations of different procedures when it comes to interacting with BLDC motors and the SimpleFOClibrary. We will try to populate this section with as much material as possible to help you with your projects. This is also a section with a lot of potential for community contributions. If you have a guide that you think would be useful to the community, please feel free to contribute!

Additionally, there are many different useful practical information already available on our community servers - read more. We encourage you to check it out and feel free to ask any questions you might have.

Library options and build flags cheat-sheet

A guide to different options and build flags of the library.

Measuring the phase resistance

A detailed explanation of how to measure the phase resistance of a BLDC motor using a multimeter by @naikymen

Choosing PWM pins for you application

A short guide to choosing appropriate PWM pins for your application

Choosing Analog pins for you application

A short guide to choosing appropriate analog pins for your application

Units in the library

A short guide the units for the main motor/sensor parameters and control variables and how to transfor them