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Installing SimpleFOClibrary

Arduino Library Manager installation

The simplest way to get hold of the library is directly through Arduino IDE and Arduino Library Manager.

  • Open Arduino IDE and start Arduino Library Manager by clicking: Tools > Manage Libraries....
  • Search for “Simple FOC” library and install the latest version .
  • Reopen Arduino IDE and you should have the library examples in File > Examples > Simple FOC.

Github installation

If you prefer downloading the library directly from the github repository.

ZIP download

  • Go to the main branch
  • Click first on Clone or Download > Download ZIP.
  • Unzip it and place it in Arduino Libraries folder. Windows: Documents > Arduino > libraries.
  • Reopen Arduino IDE and you should have the library examples in File > Examples > Simple FOC.

Clone using terminal

  • Open terminal and run
    cd #arduino libraries folder
    git clone
  • Reopen Arduino IDE and you should have the library examples in File > Examples > Simple FOC.